Same Store, Different Neighborhood

When you see sales from one particular chain store, such as Acme, Shoprite or Krogers, do you assume that all of the prices are in same no matter which location you choose? You should think again. Just shopping on neighborhood over can save you as much as 10 percent on your grocery bill, even before clipping coupons! Even though supermarket chains may be owned by the same company, they charge different prices according to the neighborhoods in which they are located. A supermarket located in a suburb or upscale neighborhood will probably charge more on grocery items, especially basic staples, … Continue reading

Grocery Gift Cards Can Save You Money

Here is a quick idea that can help you stick to the tightest of budgets, especially when it comes to saving money on groceries. Do you usually shop at groceries at one store? Then this idea might work well for you, especially if you have a hard time sticking to a budget. At the beginning of each month, buy a gift card from your supermarket for the amount that you have budgeted for groceries. Use only this card to pay for your purchases. When the card is empty, then you just can’t buy anymore food. It sounds like tough love, … Continue reading

Top Coupon Tips

Even a casual coupon person can shave 15 percent off of their grocery bill without hardly trying. Real coupon geniuses can save 50 percent or more. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of those coupons. Use your coupon on the smallest size of the product. Sometimes this will allow you to get products for free! Compare the savings after the coupon with the generic version of the product. Sometimes the name brand is less, sometimes it is not. Combine store coupons with manufacturer coupons to get the best savings. Many stores allow you to do … Continue reading

The Best Bargains at the Warehouse Store

Shopping at the warehouse club stores, such as BJs, Costco or Sams Club can shave hundreds of dollars off of your annual grocery bill. But like any other grocery store, you need to compare bargains and keep track of prices to know that if what are spending for that giant jar of peanut butter will translate into actual savings. Sometimes, you can get the grocery items for much less at a regular grocery store when the item is on sale. Keeping a price book of the lowest grocery prices often helps. One thing I have found from shopping at warehouse … Continue reading

Tissues for Less

With the cold and flu season coming on, it is a good idea to keep an eye on how much you may be spending on tissues. I bet you never stopped to think about it, right? Well, read this article to find out all about how you can save on tissues. Square versus rectangle You do actually get fewer tissues in a square box than you do for a rectangular box, and you’ll be paying more per tissue. That is because most people prefer the square boxes for their compact size. There are about half the amount of tissues. If … Continue reading

The Perpetual Grocery List

I realized this afternoon as I was sitting at my work desk and jotting down a few items on a slip of paper to pick up at the store this evening before heading home for the night that for nearly twenty years I have been keeping track of an unending, perpetual grocery list. Even though I think of my family of three kids as being a fairly small one—it never fails that when I return from the almost daily trip to the grocery store thinking that I’ve finally caught up—there is something else that we have run out of. We … Continue reading

Conquering Holiday Grocery Waste

Want to save almost $2,000 a year? Eliminate the bulk of your grocery waste. Here is how. In my earlier article, Conquering The Grocery Waste (1), I explained that most households waste 25 percent of their groceries. This waste is foodstuff that has gone bad or foodstuff that was purchased and then never used. In that first article, we talked about how produce is one of the biggest areas of waste and how we can make smarter choices to eliminate all of that money that ends up in the garbage can. Now, in this article, we will cover one of … Continue reading

Conquering The Grocery Waste (1)

Recent studies estimate that Americans waste approximately 25 percent of their groceries instead of consuming them. If you factor in an average cost of $7,000 a year on groceries (this is the number for a household of three, so it will vary according to your location and family size), you get a waste of $1750 a year. That is money that is just going into the garbage! Think of what you could do with all of that money! You could donate it to charity; you could pay off bills; you could afford a vacation or maybe even give up a … Continue reading

Target Deal: Stovetop Stuffing

Don’t you just love food deals? Target is running a great deal this week on stuffing. Be sure to stock up on as many bags as you can. Not only is stuffing wonderful for holiday meals, but you can do so much with stuffing mix to stretch out your meals and keep your food budget as low as possible. For example, stuffing mix is a great way to stretch a meat loaf. And stuffing mix keeps for a long time, as long as you have somewhere dry to keep it. This week, Stove Top Stuffing (Kraft) is on sale for … Continue reading

Is Your Food Bill Too High? Three Quick Tests

Are you spending more than you should on groceries? How can you tell? You could add up your yearly bill, factor in the times you eat out, calculate for the size of your family and ages of the family members, consider your annual income and your geographical location, and then compare it all to averages of other families across the country. Or, you can take a couple of quick tests to give you a general idea that will help you tell if you are spending too much for your food. The meal planning test Do you know what you are … Continue reading