Breakfast for Dinner

If you want to save some money on your grocery bill, try this trick. It really does work! Last night for dinner, I cooked up some chicken sausage and scrambled eggs with cheese. It was a filling meal containing lots of protein, and cost so much less to prepare than a traditional meal. And while it is true that the price of breakfast staples, such as eggs and flour have gone up, the reality is that is is still usually cheaper to eat breakfast than it is to eat dinner. Just go into any restaurant, if you don’t believe me. … Continue reading

Frugal Food Options

Recently I heard about a family that was spending more than $500 a week at the grocery store. The thing is that this was a family of three, and the price didn’t include diapers and some of the other baby-related purchases that can raise the weekly grocery cost, since those were purchased separately. Now, I don’t know the details of their shopping list, but $2,000 a month seems a bit steep for two adults and one toddler. Both parents work, which makes it difficult for them to cook from scratch. I suggested the use of a crock pot or freezer … Continue reading

Three Ways an Organized Pantry Saves Money

One of the great pitfalls of frugal grocery shopping and stockpiling can be an unorganized pantry. Unfortunately, a pantry that suffers from disorganization can wind up costing your money instead of saving it. Here are three ways why it pays to take the time to organize your food. The biggest cost to your food budget can be food that expires or goes stale before you can use it. When this is the case, it doesn’t matter that you only spent 50 cents on a jar of pasta sauce if you never use it. One recent study suggests that Americans throw … Continue reading