Three New Coupon Rules You Need to Know Now

Coupons can certainly help us save big on our grocery bill, but my how times have changed. Gone are all of the overage and cash back deals or using multiple coupons for the same products (although you still see some of these practices being done on Extreme Couponing shows, since the stores will usually waive their normal current policies in order to participate). In the wake of the extreme couponing craze, as well as extreme couponing fraud, stores and manufacturers have changed their policies, implemented new restrictions, issued less valuable coupons and made getting some coupons more difficult. In response, … Continue reading

Coupons for Kellogg’s, Starbucks, Angel Soft, and More!

There’s no way around it. Eventually, you are going to have to go grocery shopping. Frugal families know that coupons are a great way to save money on groceries. Here’s a batch of coupons from that will help you. sends me email with links to a bunch of featured coupons. They have been putting an amusing little picture at the top of each email. This time, there are three gingerbread man cookies, (in different shades). The wording says: “The More the Merrier!” It is followed with: “’Tis the season for holy jolly savings.” If you use all of … Continue reading

Target Coupons for Kraft, Oscar Mayer, Coca-Cola, and More!

Thanksgiving is over. Your family has either eaten all the leftovers, or wants nothing more to do with them. It is time to go grocery shopping! Here are some grocery coupons from Target that will help you save money. International Delight has a coupon for $1.50 off when you purchase 2 International Delight coffee creamers. The coupon is for the 16 ounce size. Nestle Clasico has a coupon for $1.00 off when you buy 1 jar of Nescafe Clasico instant coffee. The coupon is for the 7 ounce size. Smuckers and Jif have one of those strange combined product coupons. … Continue reading

How to Use Coupons

You don’t have to practice Extreme Couponing in order to be frugal and save money with grocery coupons. But you do need to know the basics of using coupons to get the best deals, otherwise you may wind up spending more and saving less. Finding Coupons Before you can use coupons, you’ll need to find them first. There are several ways to obtain coupons. Start with the following two sources to get the best selection. The first most common source is the Sunday paper, where you will find Sunday insert coupons that you can clip. Get a subscription to your … Continue reading

Getting Out of Debt: Extreme Couponing

My husband thinks I am obsessed with extreme couponing. I admit that I never actually saw the Extreme Couponing show. Nevertheless, I have been a crazy coupon lady, clipping grocery coupons and getting the best deals on groceries that I can find. I’ve always believed in coupons, but my dedication to using them had fallen off and become sporadic. I needed the focus of getting out of debt to really step up my game in order to reduce our grocery bill even more and to get out of debt. My goal is to actually come under the amount that we … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I knew that we were firmly into spring when my children asked if they could stop and buy ice cream one afternoon. The sight of daffodils in bloom seem to trigger a craving for vanilla, chocolate or strawberry topped on a real sugar cone. Ice cream habits are hard to break. I should know. I lived in New England for a while, an area that has the highest rate of ice cream consumption in the country. I’m not sure why a climate that gets it far share of snow and … Continue reading

Three Days ‘til Christmas

Yay! It’s almost time to open presents! I can’t wait to see my kids’ faces when they open their stuff. Until then, there are a few other things I could be doing. I hope things are clicking right along at your house. So far, so good here, but I do still have some stuff to take care of. Today is a good day to finish shopping for fresh foods for your holiday feast. As noted before Thanksgiving, food won’t be any fresher on the store shelves than it will be at your house so if you still need some things, … Continue reading