My Favorite Grocery Stores

Photo by Michel Meynsbrughen Food is never far from my mind. I love all things associated with it: eating it, preparing it, and shopping for it. (Not necessarily in that order. And there is one thing I don’t like about it –the clean up that comes along with it!) Why Grocery Stores Hold a Fond Place in My Heart Growing up, I remember my family shopped at one grocery store: Safeway. It was right up the street from our house. Within walking distance even. In nicer weather, especially when my grandparents came to visit, we’d take leisurely strolls up there … Continue reading

More On The Price Of Milk

After reading Mary Ann’s blog, What Are You Paying For Milk In January, I noticed that the St. Louis, Missouri average for milk was left off. Well, I am in the St. Louis Metro area, and was curious about our averages for milk right now, so I decided to research it myself. So here is what the St. Louis Metro area of Missouri is paying for milk right now, at several different grocery stores. The first thing I did to research these prices, was to grab my price book and see what I had written down. The problem is, that … Continue reading