Frugal Temptations Too

I’ve been recently talking about the frugal temptations that we faced on last week’s visit to the grocery store. Shopping at the grocery store is always an adventure, especially when we do it all together, me, my husband and our three young children. My eldest, who is six, is starting to get the lessons of living frugally, and he had to face his own temptation in the form of a “cool” new shake and pour pancake mix. You can read all about that temptation and how he handled it by clicking here: Frugal Temptations. As I mentioned at the end … Continue reading

Crouching Chicken, Hidden Leftovers

Leftovers are one of the absolute best ways to save on your food bill. By planning leftovers, you’ll cook less and spend less energy on clean up, too. But sometimes your family just doesn’t want leftovers. Other times there just might not be enough left over to make an actual meal. You can always try saving the leftovers for freezer soup, but I bet by now that you could use some more ideas. When either of these things happen, or when you or your family get so sick of leftovers, you can try performing some slight of hand to turn … Continue reading

Grocery Deals of the Week – QFC / Kroger

QFC (Kroger in some areas) is consistently higher than the other stores in my area. I shop there for two reasons: they have great loss leaders, and their customer service is miles ahead of the Safeway in our town. I picked up Mentos at 10/$10. Why Mentos? It’s a homeschool thing. Have you seen the videos of the Eepybird guys exploding them in Diet Coke? I have a budding scientist who has been dying to try it. Five packs of Mentos (mint flavor only) and some diet soda also on sale at 10/$10, and it’s pretty cheap entertainment for a … Continue reading

Grocery Deals of the Week – Safeway

There’s a good discussion going on over the use of coupons and whether they’re worth it. It’s easy to say “They are,” but without any evidence, it’s not a very worthwhile statement. I did the grocery shopping today, and thought I’d share some of the deals I found in the stores. Sometimes the deals are regionally-specific, but hopefully most will apply to you, too. My first stop was Safeway. I knew from their ad that they had grapes on sale at a buck a pound. That’s a very good price here in the Northwest. I also up some boneless skinless … Continue reading

$25 off $49 ConAgra Purchase at

What’s ConAgra? ConAgra is a food company with more than seventy brands. I happen to be munching on David sunflower seeds right now and they’re, yep, a ConAgra food. What else might you have eaten this week made by ConAgra? Did you have some Orville Redenbacher popcorn when you watched that tearjerker movie? How about a SlimJim for an after-school snack? Okay, so nobody will admit to eating SlimJims. Somebody must be since they’re selling over five hundred million a year. I do know that they’re highly requested at Out of curiosity, I went and checked my stash to … Continue reading

How Grocery Stores Make You Spend More

Grocery stores know how most people like to shop, and they use that information to make you spend more. However, you can counteract their intentions with some information on product placement. If you know just where to look (and not look) in the grocery store, you can reap some big savings. There is a lot of thought and marketing that goes into product placement in a grocery store. Major brands compete for shelf space, often paying stores for the privilege of being put in highly visible areas. The store displays have a science behind them and are usually arrange specifically … Continue reading

Safeway Rally $10 Catalina

Ooh, I love it when they want to give me groceries! Safeway is running a promotion right now. Buy ten of their participating products, receive a $10 Catalina on your next order. (A Catalina is one of those coupons that print out after you pay. They used to be red and white; now they’re just printed on white paper. The company that markets them is Catalina, hence the name.) One of the best deals I’ve found on this is to combine it with the Cheerios Racing Offer if you haven’t submitted a Racing Rebate yet. Boxes of Cheerios or Honey … Continue reading

Progresso Soup Rich ‘n Hearty Deal at Safeway

The Safeway ad for this week has four Progresso soups for $6. That’s a decent price by itself. But I have so many Progresso soups left over from the Albertson‘s promotion over the summer, that a decent price isn’t enough. It needs to be a great deal for me to buy more. This one is. Use the link below to print out coupons from Betty Crocker. These are time/date coded so you can’t print out dozens, but you can print out a couple per day or a couple per computer per day. They’re Buy One Get One Free coupons for … Continue reading

Coupon Trains

A coupon train is a great way to get coupons you can use and pass along the ones you can’t use. How does a coupon train work? When someone decides to start a train, this person is called the Conductor. The Conductor will set all the rules for the train — name of the train, how many passengers, how many coupons, and what type of train it is going to be (see below for types of coupon trains). The Conductor will make a post in the Train Forum setting the rules, and if you are interested in joining their train, … Continue reading

Know the Grocery Store Tricks (So You Can See Past Them!)

Every large company these days has a research panel which tries to find ways to get you to spend more money at their stores. Grocery stores are some of the most carefully arranged stores around. Grocery companies use all kinds of ploys to get you to spend more and buy items that you were not intending on purchasing. It’s best to know a few of their tricks so that you don’t blindly fall victim to them. They place higher-priced items at eye-level. When you are in a hurry, you may grab the first item that you see. You may not … Continue reading