Is Your Support Group Supportive (4)?

Mental health support groups can be a vital part of recovery and acceptance of many mental illnesses. Most groups are a wonderful source of support and comfort, and knowing that others experience similar symptoms and feelings is a really important part of the recovery process. However, as we discussed in previous articles in this series, there can be negative aspects to these groups, of which all members should be on the alert for. Group saboteurs are common problem people in any group situation, but even more so in a mental health group, due to the sensitive nature of many participants. … Continue reading

Is Your Support Group Supportive (3)?

In previous articles we looked at problems caused by sexual relationships between members of the same mental health support group and also the destructive role of the group dominator. Today we look at the role of another very common factor in support groups: that of the group saboteur. The group saboteur comes in various guises, all of which are destructive. Ann had come to the group suffering from depression, but it soon became obvious that she had considerable problems other than depression. Problems that threatened the stability of the group. An accomplished academic, Ann liked to talk about her problems, … Continue reading