Growing Older

Growing older doesn’t mean life has to be uninteresting. Also it doesn’t necessarily mean dressing in drab and uninteresting colors and clothing styles. I like to wear blue, purple, red or hot pink rather than neutral beiges etc. Mick likes to see me in those colors. And I like to please him. For Christmas he bought me a beautiful patchwork skirt in those shades. Yes, he went and picked it all by himself. What’s more, it’s something I love and could have picked myself, which shows how well he knows my tastes. Yet I’ve hear other women tell me their … Continue reading

Society’s Obsession

One of the other ways we see this obsession with being forever young is people’s refusal to deal with death. For many it is the taboo topic. They don’t even want to think about their own mortality. It’s reflected in the way people try and skirt around the topic of death, by using expressions like ‘passed over,’ or ‘lost their loved one,’ etc. Once when I mentioned ‘a friend who died’ the person I was talking to, looked at me in horror as though I had said something wrong. Mick and I both tend to ‘call a spade a spade.’ … Continue reading

Sixty & Set – Why Age Doesn’t Matter

When you picture the age of 60, what do you imagine? Grey hair? Slowing down? Taking it easy? A grandparent? It’s amazing that once upon a time 60 seemed to be the age one considered to be the definition of growing old. Consider for a moment, this classic image of 60 and then think about the 60 year olds you know in your life. Do any of them match this image? Classic Image versus Reality The reality of 60 year olds is that life can and often is more exciting at 60 than it was at 40. For one, options … Continue reading