Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Many Voices

We have a guest at the cats-only boarding facility who has the cutest little voice. He sounds kind of like a cross between a frog and a little old man who smoked a lot. His meow is kind of gravelly — it almost sounds like he’s saying “hello” instead of “meow”. There are definitely some guests who are talkers. We have one infamous visitor who hardly shuts up the entire time he’s with us. Personally, I think he’s good company… although he is VERY loud. I’m surprised they can’t hear him over on the vet side of the building. We … Continue reading

Don’t Pat My Head!

In a moment that bordered on the surreal this morning, I heard a public service announcement on the radio at work featuring John Tesh talking about how dogs don’t like to be patted on the head. Odd indeed. But he’s right — most dogs aren’t fans of being patted on the top of the head. There will always be some exceptions to any rule, but there are lots of other “safe” places to pet a dog. My dog Miko absolutely hated being patted on the top of the head. He also really didn’t like one particular friend of mine, and … Continue reading

Recognizing Signs of Aggression

You may not want to believe that your dog can be aggressive. It can be a hard thing to recognize — we often try to assign human motivations to animal behaviors. We try to reason with our pets: “It’s only the mailman; you don’t have to bark at him.” But our dogs don’t think like people. They think like dogs. Aggression is not a breed problem. It can exist in any dog, any breed, at any time. Signs of aggression can include: Growling Snarling Baring teeth/curling lips Mounting people or other animals Lunging Snapping Blocking your path Aggressive barking Biting … Continue reading