Make Things a Little Better Every Day

Keeping things moving in your home-based business can seem daunting. When you look ahead to your goals or work over your short and long-term plan for your business, you might be wondering how on earth you will ever muster the energy and excitement to get from point A to point B–let alone point C or D. In order to keep things moving in the right direction, it might help to bite things off in manageable amounts. Just do a little bit to make improvements to your business every day…and soon those little steps will all add up. It may seem … Continue reading

What Are You Doing About Growth Opportunities?

Good business managers don’t just react and adjust to growth, but they actually plan and strive to create opportunities where growth can occur. As small, home business owners, many of us are struggling just to stay afloat, let alone planning and looking for growth opportunities… Sure, sometimes growth just happens—but in successful and stable businesses, growth is usually something that is planned for. As a business owner, you will need to keep one eye on the future, even while you are wrestling with the details of every day. Your annual budgets should reflect anticipated growth (both in revenue and expense) … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Deceiving the Elect

On Wednesday, we discussed the characteristics of the elect. Today, I’d like to discuss the warning given by Christ in JS-M 1:22 regarding the deception of those chosen by God. If you compare JS-M 1:22 to Matt 24:24, you will see only one difference. Instead of simply reading that false prophets and false Christs “shall deceive the very elect,” we are told further “who are the elect according to the covenant.” Since we established earlier this week that there are different types of the elect, this means that a single specific group is being referred to. Who are “the elect … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Men Ought Always to Pray

Yesterday, we talked about the parable of the wicked judge. Today, I’d like to take a look at why that parable was told. Christ provides the reason in the first verse of Luke 18: “that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” We need to make sure that our physical bodies do not keep us from spiritual experiences. As a new mother, I’ve struggled with this greatly over the last six weeks. My schedule has been somewhat disrupted, and I have let my prayers and scripture study slide. Things have been on the “when you think of it” … Continue reading

Old Growth Charts Blamed for Fat Babies

I’m sad to say it, but some pediatricians are just not up to date on breastfeeding. I would understand, to some extent, misinformation from say, my general practitioner. I would understand misinformation from my dermatologist. After all, their specialty is not connected to babies per se. I don’t understand misinformation from pediatricians’ offices. (I do have to insert here that my childrens’ pediatrician is wonderful and I picked her because she is really very breastfeeding ’friendly’.) Every once in awhile someone will pop up in the forums or send me a PM saying that their doctor doesn’t think the baby … Continue reading

Relief Society Presidents: Bathsheba W. Smith

Nineteen-year-old Bathsheba Smith was the youngest attendee at the first Relief Society meeting in Nauvoo. She loved the temple, and felt that serving in the Lord’s house was one of the most important things she could do as Relief Society President; she served in the Nauvoo Temple, the Salt Lake Endowment House, the Manti Temple, the Logan Temple, and the Salt Lake Temple. She was a woman of great faith and love. The eighth of nine children, Bathsheba Smith was born in West Virginia on May 3, 1822 to Mark and Susannah Ogden Bigler. As a young girl, she traded … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Divine Communication

Several verses in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount focus on prayer. This should be no surprise, as prayer is an important and integral part of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. In our earthly relationships, communication is essential or the relationship is nonexistent; it should be no surprise that it conversation is equally required in our relationship with our Lord. But we must always remember that, just as conversation is two-way, prayer also involves us speaking and listening. If we omit the part of the prayer where we receive revelation and inspiration from our Father, the prayer is incomplete. Most … Continue reading

Creating a Learning Atmosphere

When it comes to the spiritual atmosphere in our home, we can create one that is either conducive to learning, or not. Some of the responsibility for such an atmosphere lies on us as parents; some of it lies on our children. As parents, we have a more direct role than an ordinary teacher in controlling what habits our children learn. When we work to create a learning atmosphere, and take the time to raise our kids in it, then they will also take the steps necessary to maintain that atmosphere. How We Can Contribute to a Learning Atmosphere In … Continue reading

Scripture Journals

One of my best friends has encouraged me for years to keep a spiritual journal. She urged that I make note of spiritual promptings and blessings. This is a little different from your regular journal in that it is solely comprised of things of the spirit, rather than including the more mundane items on the list. The theory is that, when you are feeling down, you can go to your spiritual journal and be reminded of the many ways Heavenly Father has had a hand in your life. While the big things – prayers about whether or not to marry … Continue reading

October’s Reflections

I always enjoy sitting down to write about the reflections from the past month. It allows me to consider if I have really been growing in my faith in the Lord, or if I have remained stagnant over this period. As I sit down to write about October’s reflections the first thing I thought about was how quickly October flew by. It always seems that as we quickly approach the holiday season we get busier and busier. This chaos is a great reason to sit back and look at the past month and see how we have grown. I would … Continue reading