5 Ways to Clear Thinking

Mental clutter is like physical garbage; it clogs our lives and stops us from seeing the big picture. Here’s how to get rid of it. 1. Make time to think Most of us are so busy, that we rarely, if ever, set aside time to think about where our lives are headed, or even how we are really feeling. Make it a daily ritual to sit in silence (even 10 minutes a day is sufficient) and STOP. Silence not only calms the mind and body in the short term, but the long-term benefits are enormous. The best way to develop … Continue reading

Planning Success – Goal Chunking and How it Works

In order to make any fitness program, weight-loss program or other activity a success you must set meaningful and realistic goals for yourself. I have heard others tell me many times that they have no real goals other than being healthy, wealthy and wise. Those are very broad-based goals that are wonderful for everyone, but they lack the texture and the strength of being specific. For example, if your goal is weight loss. Then you might have a target weight or dress size that you want to achieve. Let’s say that your overall goal is to lose down to your … Continue reading