Full Refunds? Or Subtract a Processing Fee?

Your business may be so new that you haven’t had to figure out the “refund” question yet—or you may be unsatisfied with whatever your current refund policy is and need to revisit it. For some of us, the question is simply: do we give refunds or not? But, it might also be expanded to include decisions about when and why we might give refunds, and whether or not we give a full refund or we subtract a processing fee? In the world of conference and meeting planning—where I still do some work in addition to my writing work, full refunds … Continue reading

Do You Offer a Free Trial Period?

We have talked a little bit about guarantees here in the Home Business blog and how they can help with sales and customer service, but some businesses find that offering a trial period in which the customer can “try out” the product or service to see if they are satisfied to be an advantage. With a trial period, the customer gets the product in their home, or experiences the service, and then can return it for a refund if not completely satisfied. This can be a way to boost sales and improve customer service, but it takes management and some … Continue reading

No Guarantees

Some of us need to know that there will be a pay-off at the end of whatever we are doing. We want to know FOR SURE that if we work really hard, or take calculated risks, that our businesses will be the better for it. Unfortunately, things don’t always work that way. We could have the most extensive budget and the most complete business plan to guide us, and we still don’t have a guarantee that things will turn out grandly. This is the very reason that so many people never take the leap and start their own home-based businesses. … Continue reading

Should You Formally Guarantee Your Products or Services?

While writing earlier about the process and problem of offering returns and refunds in our home businesses, I started thinking about the need to have a formal policy on guaranteeing our products or services. It seemed that for many of our home businesses, whether or not to offer a guarantee may be a big issue. Depending on the type of business you are operating, an official “guarantee” may mean many things. It really does tie in with whether or not you offer refunds and accept returns. Will you guarantee that the customer will be “satisfied” with your products or services? … Continue reading