How to Make Good Habits Last

I’ve heard various friends say that it takes three week to turn a behavior into a habit. The stages of forming a habit: Precontemplation. You have a vague sense that you want to make a change. Maybe you’re not sure where or how to start. Maybe you make a lot of excuses why you can’t change. This is a good time for a list of pros and cons. Why do you want to change, and why will it be good for you? What’s holding you back? Contemplation. You have a firmer sense that you want to make a change. You … Continue reading

I Have a Confession to Make

Good morning readers, I have a confession to make. I turn 35 next April and I have been a smoker for nearly 20 years. Today, I am making a concerted effort to stop smoking altogether. I nearly did it when I was pregnant with my daughter, turning a nearly two pack a day habit down to just 4 cigarettes a day that lasted until I was done breast feeding and then somehow, went right back to where it was before. I’ve tried quitting before and the longest I lasted was six weeks with no cigarettes and then one day, all … Continue reading