New Year’s Day Most Popular Day For Car Thefts

New Year’s Day, January 1, is the day when the most cars are stolen in the United States. This means that a lot of people are going to be making police reports and insurance claims on New Year’s Day. Fortunately, there are some simple, common sense, things that you can do to avoid having your vehicle stolen today. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, or NCIB, there were 2,760 vehicle thefts on January 1, 2009. More vehicle thefts took place on that day than on any other holiday in 2009. Halloween of 2009 had 2,325 vehicle thefts, which means … Continue reading

What is Insurance Fraud?

Do you know what insurance Fraud is? This seems like a silly question, most of us should know what the word Fraud means–after all it was one of the basic skills we learned way back in grade school. Only at that time we called it cheating, or lying. The standard dictionary definitions all say just about the same things, fraud is the intentional perversion of truth (a lie) to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. (To get something we want which usually has some value) In the business of insurance fraud falls … Continue reading

Mitigating Claims Damages–What Does That Mean?

Insurance is a fact of modern life and a comfort for policyholders when a claimable loss occurs. It’s nice to know when something goes wrong that financially an insurance policy is there to help cover the losses we suffer. There are some insured people however, who experience a covered loss, which leaves a new risk for more damage. For example, a tree falls on the roof and leaves a gaping hole where rain falls and causes more damage to personal property. By the time the claims adjuster comes to check things out–the damages are much greater then just a big … Continue reading

What to Do When Your Pipes Freeze–Mitigate Your Losses!

Frozen water pipes aren’t life threatening, however frozen or broken water pipes do cause damage to homes each winter. Homeowner need to take steps to avoid freezing damage to their house, inside and outside. For information about steps homeowners need to take to avoid the possible catastrophic losses caused by broken water pipes be sure to read the Blog, Don’t Let Your Pipes Freeze-Tips to Avoid Home Water Damage. When the pipes in the walls of a house aren’t properly insulated, they can and often do freeze and rupture. Ice expands and needs more space then water and a small … Continue reading

Don’t Fall–Tips to Avoid a Medical Claim Because of A Ladder!

: I am constantly telling my family I don’t have the time to visit the Emergency Room, and there is no time of the year I mean this more then the holiday season. Really, the last thing any of us want to be doing during this time of the year is sitting and waiting to be seen at the hospital for an avoidable accident. Your health care insurance would rather not pay a claim for a preventable injury it just makes a lot of extra paperwork, stress and costs for everyone involved. An estimated 164,000 people end up in the … Continue reading

Viewpoint: Health Insurance Dictates Treatment Options.

I may have been an insurance agent in my past, and I might even understand all the reasons, actuary calculations, and claims adjustment issues involved from the companies point of view. But, I am also a consumer of the very products I seem to understand from the other point of view. As a consumer most often my understanding of insurance has helped me make better risk management decisions, deal with limitations of claims and all the other insurance ins and outs. There is one area however, I have faced problems and confusion over and that is when health insurance dictates … Continue reading

Hamster Horror Stories

When I was around 13 year old or so, I just had to have a cute cuddly little hamster. Mom and Dad said okay and we visited the local pet store. I picked out my first hamster named Lisa and thought about how lonely she would be in the big cage with no friend. So, I found Mikey in the same store….I think you can guess where this is headed. About a month or so later, I saw that Lisa had some movement under her. Aww, babies, how precious! The cubs grew quickly and less than a couple months later, … Continue reading