Think of All the Hands On Training You’re Getting!

Even though most of us bring all sorts of skills and work experience to our home businesses, we may feel ill-prepared for all of the demands of the job we have taken on. I know that even though I thought I was well prepared to run my own business, I definitely learned quite a bit not just from business magazines and books, but also by actually doing the tasks and dealing with issues as they arose. When you feel overwhelmed or think you are completely out of your comfort zone in your home business—just think of all the valuable hands-on … Continue reading

Let Customers See and Touch Your Product

There is absolutely nothing like “hands on”–that is why so many business offer samples, put out touchable displays, and why people flock to see demonstrations at conferences and events. People want to touch, feel and taste something before they actually plunk down their hard-earned money to purchase it. Whenever you can in your home business, put your product or services right in the hands of those customers and prospects you home to sell to. Think of your own purchasing habits–aren’t you more likely to buy a car after you have test driven it a couple of times? And, if you … Continue reading