Educational Vacation Destinations

The school year may be over, but the learning shouldn’t stop… sound familiar? My dad used to use that line on me as a kid. It was his way of trying to convince me (and my brothers) that our summer days would be better spent at the museum rather than at the local pool. In previous blogs I have offered many suggestions for summer vacation destinations, though I will sheepishly admit many of them fall under the amusement park/water park category. That said the following more-educationally-friendly destinations (my dad would be so proud) are ones you may want to add … Continue reading

Take A Handcart Trek

For the outdoors family a handcart trek can be a fun family adventure. During the 1800’s thousands of people traveled west in wagon trains and handcart companies. Your family can have the chance to reenact the handcart experience. In Wyoming, between Casper and Rawlings and near Independence Rock, is the Mormon Handcart Visitors Center. It lies along part of the original Oregon Trail. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has handcarts that the public can use at no cost. Families can take a handcart and pull it along the trail, getting a taste of what the handcart pioneers … Continue reading