Who’s Really Happy?

A study was conducted early in 2006 by Pew Research Center to determine which people were happiest. Though the study finds that most people seem to be happy (84 percent total), 34 percent in the study were said to be very happy which is what the following percentages will reflect within. No surprise to me, the happiest people seem to be those who are married, have children, attend church regularly, are Conservative, and have a middle class or higher income. The study was conducted by over 3,000 telephone interviews across the Untied States in both English and Spanish. The margin … Continue reading

Don’t Expect Your Spouse to Make You Happy

That may not be the advice you expect to get here, but it’s important to not fall into the trap of expecting your spouse to make you happy all the time. When this happens, your spouse comes home stressed, you’re stressed from the day and the two of you end up taking those bad moods out on each other. Neither one of you is good company nor are you supporting each other. In fact, very quickly, you will end up resenting each other. This is hardly a positive because the two of you will quickly begin spending time apart and … Continue reading

Focusing on Gratitude

Gratitude is an easy virtue to practice when things are going the way that you want them to. Little children learn at young age to say thank you for gifts and compliments. This type of gratitude develops naturally. In a positive situation it is easy to find thinks to thank Heavenly Father for. It is easy to find your blessings and acknowledge them. However when you are going through a difficult time or a struggle, it may not be as easy to develop your gratitude. While it may be more difficult it is just as important that you work to … Continue reading

Does Money Equal Happiness?

Does money equal happiness? This is an interesting question. Many people would say yes, that having money would mean that you are happy. However managing your money so that you can meet all of your necessities and many of your wants is what would allow people the security, which may contribute to their happiness. Those who are poor and struggle to meet their needs (food, shelter and clothing) on a regular basis would find a lot of the pressure relieved if they had enough money to meet those needs. The worry that they carry with them each day might very … Continue reading

Happiness is the Key to Fitness Success

Shiny, happy people – do you remember this song? I’ve been racking my brain all morning trying to remember the name of the group that sang it without actually looking it up on the net. Sometimes I think the ease with which we can Google something takes all the fun out of trying to remember something. Yes, it can be frustrating trying to capture that elusive thought that seems to dance just out of reach – but as frustrating as it is – I have fun trying to sort through the card file that is my brain chock full of … Continue reading

10 Things Happy Families Do

What is the secret to having a happy family? Is there some special thing that some families do that make their kids actually want to hang out at home? How have some families found the key to having a home that feels good when you walk in the door? It really isn’t a secret and there’s no one special thing. It just requires a lot of love, patience, respect, and hard work. Any family can be happy if they do these ten things. Show unconditional love. All parents love their child. But the key is that your child must realize … Continue reading

General Conference: “An Abundant Life”

In his talk “The Abundant Life” Elder Joseph B Wirthlin speaks about how to find happiness in the day to day struggles of life. He opens the talk by sharing the story of horse that was saved from being salvaged by a trainer. The trainer was later surprised to learn that the horse he had purchased was a great jumper. The first contest that the horse entered, everyone laughed at the worn appearance of the horse. The horse won the competition and was later inducted into the hall of fame. Elder Wirthlin compares this story to the untapped potential within … Continue reading

Are you pulling the plug on life?

Do you find yourself unhappy and frustrated for much of your day? Have you lost that sense of joy in your life? When was the last time you were truly happy? Here is a simply, yet effective way to increase your happiness quotient, and recapture the essence of your own powerful life-force. Take a sheet of paper and make two lists. One list should be of the things in your life that currently bring you joy and a sense of peace and wellbeing. Next, write a list of the people and activities that drain you and leave you feeling dispirited, … Continue reading

Positive Thoughts for the Day (1)

Having a favorite thought or saying can really help to ground you when life gets a little frantic. Over the centuries there has been no shortage of wise and witty comments that have been recorded for posterity and have stood the test of time. Human nature does not change and the hopes, dreams, and troubles of time past are no different to those that plague us today. It’s really true that there is nothing new under the sun! So, here is a short list to get you started. Or you can source them yourself from the numerous publications available in … Continue reading