Home Teaching Message: Hidden Wedges

The home teaching lesson for this month, given by President Thomas S. Monson, begins with a story of a wedge that I have loved since I first read it in a manual many years ago. The premise of the story is that a beautiful tree is destroyed in an ice storm by a wedge placed in its branches many years before. President Monson goes on to talk about hidden wedges in our lives. The hidden wedges President Monson addresses are those of hardheartedness. The leaders of the church – and the scriptures – have taught us time and time again … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Because of the Simpleness of the Way

One of the most puzzling stories I ever read in the Old Testament was the story of the fiery serpents sent among the Israelites. To be bitten by one of these snakes was certain death. Through the prophet Moses, God sent a way for His followers to be healed. Moses erected a bronze serpent and hung it high, where all the people could see it throughout the camp. Those who would turn their eyes to the serpent would be healed. To my disbelief, there were many who refused to look, because the way was too simple. (1 Nephi 17:41) Instead, … Continue reading