Scary Places: Union Cemetery in Easton, Connecticut

Okay, so you might expect a cemetery, especially at night, to be a bit spooky. But, some say that Union Cemetery in Easton, Connecticut is especially full of unexplained phenomena. The cemetery dates all the way back to the 1600s, so there is a lot of history there. Of course, the cemetery is closed after dark and the Easton Police regularly patrol it, but that doesn’t stop curiosity seekers from breaking the law. Visitors have reported taking photos of orbs, light rods, and ectoplasmic mists. There is one apparition, the White Lady, who many people have reported seeing over the … Continue reading

Unseen Odds — Shirley Bahlmann

To usher in the “spirit” of the Halloween season, I’m reviewing one of my favorite books by author Shirley Bahlmann. Most widely known as a writer of pioneer stories, Shirley has collected eerie tales of strange happenings and combined them into this compelling and otherworldly book of short stories. Read about the rocking chair that kept its rhythmic motion even though no one sat in it. Or how about the young couple desperately trying to find a doctor to deliver their first baby in a snowstorm, and the kind man who came and took care of them. When the husband … Continue reading