Tricking a Spouse Into Parenthood

What would you do when you found out that one spouse was trying to trick the other into becoming a parent? Here is a scenario that happened to me a few years ago. One of my very good friends, let’s call her Denise, decided that she really wanted a baby. She had gotten married less than a year before, and was in a happy marriage. She felt it was time to have a baby, but her spouse didn’t agree. He definitely wanted to wait and wasn’t even sure if he would ever be ready to be a parent. My friend’s … Continue reading

Conception without Communication

For the ones of you that keep up with Beth in Mental Health, she has a very interesting series about marriage currently running. In her story she tells of one couple that is married but rarely has sex. It seems that the wife refused her husband’s intimacy altogether until she was ovulating and ready to conceive. She then approached him with sex and got pregnant (this actually happened twice). Beth’s story continues and is still in the works with article three to come. If you have not checked it out, I suggest that you do. If you are interested in … Continue reading

The Effect Having a Baby Has on a Marriage

Many married couples feel that the next step in their relationship should be a baby. Not long after a couple marries, the public starts questioning about when they will be having children. The couple then feels like they are supposed to be parents. While being a parent is a wonderful experience it is not for everyone. There are moments in a couple’s marriage that a baby is not the right fit. A few articles ago, Courtney wrote about why she did not have children. I truly feel that it takes a lot of strength and courage for a woman to … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness: So You Just Had a Baby ….

Congratulations! You just had a baby. About six years ago this month, I’d just had a baby too and I have to admit, one of the first things I thought about after I got some of my energy back was how do I get back into shape. There are no hard and fast rules in post-natal fitness except that you need to listen to your body. So let’s talk about that. Having a Baby is Traumatic When you give birth whether it’s a vaginal delivery or a c-section, you need to give your body time to recover. Don’t make any … Continue reading

And Baby Makes Three

How do you go from being a couple to being a party of three? It may appear to be a seamless transition for those super mom types, but for most of us regular people, it can be a challenging time. Not only do you have new constraints on time in general, money, and energy, but you’ll also find couple time lacking once baby comes home. This is not to say that baby is a burden, not at all. A new baby is the most amazing change in life that most people can imagine. It’s just that adding another person to … Continue reading