The Weight of the World

Yesterday, I went out shopping with my mother for some essentials necessary to get the midget ready for her Ballet I class that starts this Wednesday and then off to the pet store for supplies and this is before we go to the shoe store and Target for other need to buy items. Anyway, long story short, my mother and I are in the pet store and we just needed to grab two or three things. One of those things was a fifty-pound bag of dog food. Now if you are wondering what the heck does a fifty-pound bag of … Continue reading

The Language of Marriage

When it comes to the language of marriage, men and women seem to really speak and communicate differently. It’s these different styles of communication that lead both men and women towards frustrating interactions unless they learn to hear what the other is saying and translate it. Men are problem solvers. They hear about issues and they want to fix it. When they hear their wives are unhappy, then they really want to fix it. It’s a biological imperative and while in theory it’s very, very sweet – it’s also frustrating when a woman is just looking to vent it all … Continue reading

He Said, She Said

How the argument you have is not the one you give. It can be frustrating when you have a disagreement with your spouse and what you say is not what you mean. Why do we do that? I know a number of married couples that experience the same set of frustrations when they argue. It’s extremely typical for wives to commiserate over their husbands who never understand them and for husbands to represent their wives as the boss who nags. Sadly, I have to confess that part of the reason it’s so typical is because that’s what happens. What frustrates … Continue reading