Christmas Shopping with Baby

Are you heading out this weekend or next to get some Christmas shopping done? Most of us have gone shopping with the baby in toe and we know it comes with its own special set of needs and responsibilities. So let us dive in on the discussion to make Christmas shopping with your baby successful for both of you and to reduce the amount of stress either one of you might undergo. When it comes to Christmas shopping here are some tips to making it go easier on both of you: Choose your own time Take your own pen Don’t … Continue reading

New Study Finds Divorced Moms Have More Illnesses

If you are a divorced mother, you may have more serious health problems than married moms, according to a study of over 400 women. The study was conducted by the Institute for Social and Behavioral Research at Iowa State University. The women all lived in rural areas but the researches feel the findings apply also to women who live in urban areas as well. The study was conducted over a ten year period and found that the women’s health was worse in several categories. The women were first interviewed in the early 1990s (three times) and then again in 2001. … Continue reading

Sick Kids = Sick Moms?

If you are the mother of a child with a disability or a chronic illness, are you more likely to suffer poor health? The answer is yes, according to a report by Canadian broadcaster CTV. A Statistics Canada study found that about 11% of mothers who had kids with disabilities or who suffered from a chronic illness said they were in either “poor” or “fair” health. In comparison, about 5% of mothers who had healthy or non-disabled kids reported the same health status. For fathers, there were no observed differences. The study tracked children (both healthy and ill or disabled … Continue reading

American Expansionism – Waistlines Are Continue to Grow

Did you know that American healthcare costs could save about $5.6 billion in treating heart disease if a fraction of Americans, just one-tenth would begin a regular walking program? The report comes from a 2004 study in healthcare costs and the rising concerns associated with obesity and obesity related health problems. The Trust for America’s Health is an advocacy group that supports and promotes increasing the public health funding. They recently published a study that shows an increase in obesity in 31 states with Mississippi leading the way at 29.5% of adults being obese, increasing 1.1% over the previous year. … Continue reading