Gyms Catering to Members with Health Issues

Are you getting the most out of your gym? When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago her doctor recommended she follow a regimented fitness program. She started going to a run-of-the-mill gym in her very small hometown and worked out with a trainer. However, she never quite felt comfortable with the exercise routine and she ended up canceling her gym membership less than a year later. I always thought that had she found a better gym (unfortunately there are only two gyms in the city she lives in) she would have stuck with the program. … Continue reading

How to Recover From Surgery

Are you someone who can’t stand to sit still for days on end? Then this is the blog for you. I am speaking from experience because this is what I am going through right now. I’ve had surgeries in the past, but I always seemed to bounce back from those with relative speed – apparently because what I experienced this time was a major surgery, my bouncing back is a lot slower than I expected. Great Plans of Mice and Men It’s said that there are great plans to be made – and that we base all of those plans … Continue reading

How Can Parents Live Longer?

Do you want to know the secret to living longer? Of course you do, we all do. A group of researchers think they have found the answer. And the answer is to have fewer children. According to the results of a recent study it was found that the more children a couple had, the worse their health was and the more likely they were to die at an early age. The researchers from the University of Utah looked at couples residing in Utah between 1860 and 1985. The couples bore a total of 174,000 children. The researchers found that among … Continue reading

Choking Hazards

In 2000, 160 children died from choking related episodes and another 17,537 were treated. Of the children treated, 60% choked on a food item. Candy and gum were the cause of 25% of the choking episodes and in children under the age of four coins made up 18% of the choking-related episodes. The rates were highest for children under the age of one and decreased with age up to fourteen. The statistics were compiled by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program and analyzed by the CDC. Surprisingly enough many parents and caregivers do not recognize potential choking hazards. … Continue reading

Does Being Super Fit Equal Super Healthy?

Okay, time to take a step back for a few minutes because the following may startle you. Yes, fitness helps improve your health. It has positive effects on your immune system and it keeps your stress levels low and helps reduce the devastating effects that stress can have on your body. Now here’s the kicker – if you exercise to excess, you can be as destructive if not more so than if you weren’t exercising at all. Too much exercise can damage your bones, your joints and your muscles. It can also cover up problems that you did not even … Continue reading

Obesity & Breast Cancer

Research continues into the connection between obesity and breast cancer. Upper body and abdominal obesity are areas of the greatest concern. Statistics show that half of breast cancer cases have occurred in women who were obese. Studies also indicate that breast tumors that are cancerous are very difficult to locate in women that have an excess of 20% body fat. The link between the two conditions is entirely statistical and while scientists and research physicians are still trying to explore what links the two – the fact is they do seem to be linked. While I am not going to … Continue reading

Dieting & Arthritis

Arthritis is a deeply uncomfortable condition. Far too often, we associate arthritis with the elderly, but age is not always a factor in arthritis. I know plenty of people in their twenties and thirties with arthritis ranging from mild to severe. I, myself, have mild arthritis in my hands. You can help arthritis by paying attention to your diet. The foods you eat, how often you eat as well as the vitamins and minerals you have in your diet. It’s important to understand this, because some diets are not conducive to different health conditions like arthritis. Minerals play a vital … Continue reading