Problem Plants in the Garden

Some plants could cause health problems for some people. Here are a few you might want to think carefully about before planting them or deciding where to plant them. Wattle or acacia is one that affects many people, when it is flowering, with hay fever. But it doesn’t affect everyone. I can eco-exist quite happily with wattle and even bring it in the house in a vase as cut flowers to no ill effect but I cannot go with ten feet of a crepe myrtle bush, which gives me severe hay fever. This is a shame as they are spectacularly … Continue reading

Exercise Stress

Children are natural bundles of energy. They require lots of exercise to help develop their growing bodies. Exercise sharpens their minds and burns off the excess energy. When children return from recess they are able to be focused and listen actively in their classroom. Just because we graduate high school and get a job doesn’t mean we out grow the need for recess. We certainly don’t outgrow the need for physical activity, instead just seem to run out of time for it. While it is wise to consult your physician before diving into a tough exercise regiment, exercise is beneficial … Continue reading