Why Soda Should be Avoided During Pregnancy

When we become pregnant, we all need to make changes to our diet and lifestyle for the good of the growing baby. These changes may include eating a healthier diet, cutting down on caffeine, quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol. In our quest to give our babies the best start in life, we scrutinize our past food choices. When you are trying to cut caffeine out of your diet, you need to remember that many brands of soda contain caffeine. Often, women mention caffeine as the reason they chose to limit their intake of soda during pregnancy. This is good since … Continue reading

Planning Healthy Dinners in Pregnancy

When I was pregnant, the more I read about nutrition, the more I worried about my diet. It doesn’t have to be difficult to plan healthy dinners during your pregnancy. When planning meals, it’s important to remember to include a variety of foods. Keep in mind that you don’t need more than an extra 300 calories each day for your baby. When you are planning your dinners, aim for a balance and include foods from all food groups when planning your dinner menu. Include whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables. Drink milk with your dinner to add calcium and a … Continue reading

Start the Day with a Healthy Breakfast

We all know the importance of a good breakfast. We’ve all heard the old saying that it’s the most important meal of the day. It’s particularly important for pregnant women to eat in the morning. You and your baby need to start the day with nourishment. There are many reasons why eating breakfast can be challenging for pregnant women. Maybe you have to be at work really early in the morning and can never seem to find a few extra minutes to eat. Maybe you are suffering with morning sickness and the thought of food makes you sick. Maybe you … Continue reading