Enrichment Tip: Brag on Him

So far I have given three tips to help enhance the relationship that you have with your mate (particularly your male mate). In these tips I have discussed communication with speaking out about your feelings, being supportive of your guy’s occasional need for a night out, and identifying and accepting any faults that he may have. In this article I will address tip number four – give him some credit. It can become very easy to get bogged down and consumed in life’s negative aspects. Many people dwell on the things in their lives that are wrong instead of being … Continue reading

Should you Tell Them You’re Disappointed?

Disappointment in the realm of family life is inevitable—our children disappoint us and we disappoint them. While we want to have clear communication and model owning our feelings with our kids, it can be a little unclear whether or not we should share our disappointments with them or not… For me, the difficulty with sharing when I am disappointed in something my child has done is how to do it in a healthy way, without lying on a thick “guilt trip.” It can be hard! We need to express ourselves and we want our child to know how we feel … Continue reading

How Couples Communicate

Communication is a very important part of a relationship. As many past articles will tell you, it is important for partners to share their feelings with one another. Being clear on your expectations and being open with one another is a key element in relationship survival. How a couple communicates is not near as important as the fact that some communication takes place. There are many different ways that a couple can communicate. In most relationship both verbal and nonverbal communication takes place. The most common way to communicate is verbally through words. Couples express their emotions and ideas through … Continue reading

Healthy Relationships are Good for Your Health

We have many relationships in our lives. We have relationships with people at home and at work. How we deal with these relationships can greatly affect our moods, personalities, and health. All couples should desire having a healthy relationship. Healthy relationships make people happier and more confident. In addition to having a healthy relationship for purposes of happiness, healthy relationships can also improve a person’s overall health. Research shows that people in healthy relationships are healthier people in general. While most of these relationships are thought to be with a mate, good relationships are also desired with coworkers, family members, … Continue reading

Are You Projecting Your Own “Stuff” Onto Your Kids?

“Projection” has become one of those psychological buzz words in recent years and it is used to describe when we try to put our issues and personality traits onto someone else and then accuse them (or interact with them as if) of holding and exhibiting these issues that are actually our own. We’ve certainly all experienced when someone accuses us of something that we can clearly see is “their issue” and not ours. Projecting doesn’t make us bad people or bad parents, but it can get in the way of a genuine interaction and understanding. As parents, we can project … Continue reading