Healthy Websites for Kids:

Confession time: I watch a lot of cartoons. I do! And lately, I’ve caught a series of commercials on Cartoon Network that led me to a new healthy website I want to share. The commercials feature a big, kinda scary-looking guy talking about disease prevention — like sneezing into your sleeve or a tissue, washing your hands, and other tips. The commercials then suggest viewers find more health tips at So I went to take a look! The first thing I noticed? No scary bald guy. I kinda miss him, actually! The images on the site are bright and … Continue reading

Online Symptom Checkers

Not sure if your current health issue is worth a trip to the doctor? An online symptom checker can help you decide. My favorite online symptom checker is at — I tend to go there first with most of my health questions. However, lots of sites have similar programs that can help you decide whether or not you need a doctor. I was browsing through the one on just the other day. Why use an online symptom checker? There are some times when you know you have a medical emergency on your hands — severe bleeding, broken bones, … Continue reading

Healthy Websites: NIH

One of my favorite websites for health information is NIH — the National Institutes of Health. NIH is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is the primary government agency responsible for conducting and supporting medical research. The agency traces its roots back to the Laboratory of Hygiene at the Marine Hospital in Staten Island, New York — way back in 1887. Today, the NIH is made up of twenty-seven different Institutes and Centers that provide leadership, guidance, and financial support to medical researchers across the country and around the world. More than eighteen thousand … Continue reading

Healthy Website for Kids: Get Animated

Want to get your kids excited about good health? Check out the Cartoon Network’s Get Animated website! At Get Animated, kids are encouraged to get active, get healthy, and get involved with the community. Get Animated is attached to programs like the American Youth Soccer Organization, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk for the Cure, Rescuing Recess, and Trick or Treat for UNICEF. These programs encourage kids to get up off the couch and get out and start doing things that are good for themselves and for other kids around the world. The Get Active section of the site encourages … Continue reading