Controversy Over What is a “Healthy” Family

There is a lot of talk about what makes for a “healthy” family and what “healthy” relationships look like. We talk about it here in the single parenting blog too, trying to sort out what a healthy parent-child relationship looks like and what healthy dating might entail for a single parent. One thing I have learned is that it depends on where you read and who you ask and you get very different ideas and opinion about what is “healthy.” What is a “healthy” relationship? And, for that matter, what is a “healthy” family? I think that the evolution of … Continue reading

What Do You Mean Pop-Tarts Are NOT Healthy?

Okay, I’m not completely nutritional challenged. I know that the popular toaster pastry isn’t exactly packed with vitamins and nutrients. However, I didn’t realize that you are better off skipping breakfast altogether than downing one as you dash out the door. It was news to me. A nutritional update I got directly from someone who knows a thing or two about the health benefits of food. Last week I drove to the TV station I used to work for to drop off a birthday present for a friend/former colleague. (I was out of town and missed her party.) As I … Continue reading

Save Money on Breakfast – Some Frugal and Healthy Ideas

As I mentioned in an earlier article, my children and I set out on a quest about two months ago, to find the most frugal, yet healthy breakfast ideas that work for our large family. We wanted healthy foods, that could be stretched and considered frugal. So after some research, and some trial and error – some of which worked and some of which failed, we have come up with some great frugal and healthy alternatives to the standard breakfasts offered. Here are some of our great ideas, some of which even our pickiest eater (that’s the chocolate girl) will … Continue reading

A Frugal Breakfast Quest

Breakfast is known as the most important part of the day, so striving to make it healthier, yet frugal friendly in our household has been a major goal. With five kids and a daily challenge of finding the most frugal alternatives to start their day of right, we have gathered together, what we consider some really great and frugal breakfast ideas. It has been difficult at times because we have a picky eater, who until I came along never ate healthy, who thinks anything she eats for breakfast has to include chocolate in some way. S’mores poptarts which I despise, … Continue reading

Are Microwaves Bad For You?

I remember when microwaves were being launched into every home. They were the hottest new devices on the market. My parents debated getting one, but they were so expensive. A year later, when the prices came down some, they bought one. It sat in our kitchen and we hardly ever used it. They said you could heat water in it (but we liked our water boiled in a kettle). Still, we owned it and my parents bought some microwavable food because we could. But we never really used the microwave that much and over the years, as I’ve grown up, … Continue reading

Accentuate the Positive: Start Today

In a recent article, Four Tips for a Healthy Marriage, I asked this question: “Do we look for and mention the positive things our spouses do and say, or are we often too quick to make note of the negative?” It is important to discuss differences. I’m not suggesting otherwise, but being quick to find fault without taking the time to notice the good things our mates say and do as well, can lead to resentment and bitterness. It’s wise to remember that constructive criticism works better and it works best when applied along with other positive, more complimentary statements. … Continue reading

Baking Up a Healthy Breakfast

I’m not a breakfast person. I’d prefer to sleep through breakfast and have an early lunch. That’s just me, but my daughter rises early and wants her breakfast right away. Whether I like it or not, either my husband or I have to get some kind of food ready for her to eat in the early morning. To be honest, her breakfasts have become rather unhealthy. Some of the easy breakfasts that we make her are (try not to gasp when you read beyond this) toaster strudels, pop tarts, cereal and frozen waffles. I know most of those sound really … Continue reading

Healthy Ways to Have Fun as a Family

Studies tell us that Americans are a lot more out of shape than we used to be in the past. Since we want to keep our families healthy, what better way could there be to do so than to insure that we stay active? By planning fun physical activities, you’re family won’t mind getting up, getting moving, and getting in shape. You’ll have the chance to spend more time together, have more fun together, and help keep each other fit. So, what kinds of things can you do together? Many health experts suggest family walks, especially in the evening, after … Continue reading

Kentucky Fried Chicken Going Healthy?

Stop the presses… I just heard that KFC is going healthy. Well, healthier anyway. No, they aren’t introducing chicken shaped tofu and ditching the macaroni-and-cheese for grilled asparagus; rather the company announced today it is phasing out trans fats in cooking its Original Recipe and Extra Crispy fried chicken, Potato Wedges and other menu items, though it admits it hasn’t found a good alternative yet for their yummy biscuits. At today’s news conference the restaurant chain said it would start using zero trans fat soybean oil system wide in the United States. The switch is estimated to be complete by … Continue reading

Incorporating Disease-Fighting Foods Into Your Weight Loss Plan: Part Two

Here are some more disease-fighting foods you may want to incorporate into your weight loss plan. Take the information however you’d like. Me—I’m taping this list to my fridge. Mushrooms – Who knew these tasty treats were so good for you? They fight cancer and can help build up the immune system. They also contain lectin, a substance that attacks cancer cells and stops them from multiplying. Oh, and would you believe that studies have been conducted in Japan using mushroom extracts as an addition to chemotherapy? Nuts- They suppress the growth of cancers. Papaya – Contains folic acid and … Continue reading