Top Summer Health Risks Part 2

Last time I talked about two top summer health risks, how to prevent them and how to treat them. While we tend to think more about preventive measures in the winter during cold and flu season, we should also be prepared to combat the health risks of summer. Summer will be a lot more fun when you can avoid getting sick or injured. Here is the rest of what you need to know to keep yourself and your family safe. Poison Ivy (and Poison Oak, Poison Sumac) No one wants to get the itchy and sometimes painful rash that comes … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Power Mowing and All that Jazz

Late yesterday, I was looking at our yard because the grass over 4 inches in some places (the amount of rain this year has really encouraged the grass growth) and my husband has a raging head cold – poor thing really sounds horrible. I’m not doing too great with the constant dental pain, but I can manage the pain with the medication. I debated the lawn mowing issue, normally I love working in my garden and the yard/garden is a very physical place to be. My husband was just not up to the mowing. My husband’s uncle said he would … Continue reading

Avoiding Heat Stroke and Dehydration while Vacationing

Sometimes, people want a trip that requires a lot of physical exertion, or perhaps they want to travel some place warm. While this is great, it increases the risk of heat stroke and/or dehydration. Therefore, when planning your next vacation to some hot spot, take time to learn how to keep you and your family healthy. Many family vacations include time around the swimming pool or beach. Obviously, spending time in the hot sun for long hours can create serious dangers. While heat exhaustion is bad enough, remember the heat stroke and even dehydration can kill. The most important thing … Continue reading

Exercise With Caution: The Heat Can Kill

The last few weeks, the temperatures here have soared above the 100-degree mark. In fact, between the heat and the humidity, walking outside is like a one-two punch to the face. The scary part is, even at 6 in the morning, with temperatures exceeding 85 degrees and the rising humidity – normal activities like walking to school can leave you dripping sweat. Exercise + Extreme Heat = Tragedy Every year, you hear about it and you think why did they keep going? Football players collapsing from dehydration and heat stroke; athletes getting sick and the even sadder stories of the … Continue reading

Are You Prone to Heat-Related Illnesses?

During a summer heat wave, you have to be extra careful. Both environmental conditions (the weather) and physical conditions (your health) have an impact on your body’s ability to stay cool. Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration can lead to heat-related illnesses. Drinking caffeine and alcohol can actually increase your risk of dehydration, so make sure that for every cup of coffee you drink, you have two glasses of water. Are you exercising at the right times? Don’t work out during the hottest part of the day! Schedule your exercise for early morning, before it gets too hot, or late … Continue reading

Heat-Related Conditions

Man oh man was it a hot one today! Across the country — on the east coast, throughout the Midwest, and over on the west coast — temperatures soared. On Sunday, the National Weather Service issued excessive heat warnings for Las Vegas, Chicago, Saint Louis, Philly, Tulsa, and parts of New York and New Jersey, expecting today’s temperatures to reach a hundred degrees or more. With temperatures like these, you need to be watchful for heat-related illnesses. Under normal conditions, your nervous system maintains a healthy body temperature through sweating and thermoregulation — the blood flow to your skin. If … Continue reading

Prevent Dehydration While Working Out

Maintaining your fitness in summertime includes preventing dehydration and the problems associated with it. We discuss water in the weight loss blog today and whether you can drink too much. The focus of this particular blog is keeping your hydration healthy when you are working, playing and otherwise enjoying the summer time fun this year. The American Water Works Association (Yes, that is actually the name of it) offers the following suggestions: Drink water before, during and after your exercise. Drink water every 20 minutes or so when you are engaged in a strenuous physical activity. Do not take salt … Continue reading