The Value of the Free Day

“Why do all the diets coming out now recommend a “free day” when you can eat anything you want, even junk food? Doesn’t this defeat the whole purpose of dieting all week?” The value of the Free Day is two-fold. 1. Knowing that you only have to hang in there for six days and can then eat everything you were craving helps you keep your head in the game. It helps you to stay positive about what you’re doing. When you’re sitting down to your fourth meal of chicken breast and steamed vegetables and really starting to get down about … Continue reading

Change is in the Air

As many of you may already know, Lisa Pietsch is no longer the manager over the blogs portion of Families. She has changed to another website and will be managing blogs at that website from here forward. We will really miss Lisa here at Families–she has been the backbone to this community for a long time, and I have learned a lot from her. I have enjoyed working with her immensely, and I will miss that relationship that we have developed. I want to wish Lisa all the best at the new website, and also remind her to not be … Continue reading

Meet Heather Long

The most difficult part of any new beginning is deciding where to start. When it comes to novels, you want a hook to engage people into the action and the characters as quickly as possible. In an essay, you want an opening paragraph that will entice the reader to read the rest of the article. In many ways, the beginning of an endeavor is a provocative tease for what is to come along. I have given a great deal of thought to how I would begin my first post. I have written several drafts in my mind, some funny, some … Continue reading