Low Income Energy Assistance Program

Every year there are sad stories about people dying in the winter or the summer because they couldn’t afford to pay for proper heating and cooling. It isn’t a new problem. Did you know that before air conditioning, a large number of people living in New York City would die each summer from the heat? Those who could afford to do so would vacation in cooler locations. Those who could not just hoped for the best. Fortunately today, there is help for people who can’t afford their heating or cooling bills. The U.S. Government has a Low Income Energy Assistance … Continue reading

A Guide to Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can keep you cool in winter and warm in summer. They can work alone or in conjunction with your regular cooling and heating systems, depending on the temperature and your needs. But choosing a ceiling fan isn’t just a matter of picking a style that you like and then installing it. There are some different things to consider. Keep reading to find out what you should know before you choose a ceiling fan. Installation for most ceiling fans is pretty easy, so you probably can do it yourself. The fans should come with their own installation hardware. When … Continue reading

Pouring Money Out the Door

I am the morning person in the family. I wake up before everyone else, so I can get the household started. I get out of bed, make lunches, lay out clothing, unload the dishwasher, do some light cleaning, do some freelance writing and wake everyone else up, all before taking a shower. My husband, on the other hand is a night owl. He tends to stay up late paying bills, taking out the recycling and doing small handyman projects before bed. It is not unusual for me to pad downstairs in the morning to find things little things that he … Continue reading

Rearrange Your Furniture to Save Money

I am the last person who knows anything about Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of arranging your living space to achieve harmony. My living space is usually filled with bright colored plastic things that beep and buzz, misplaced sippy cups, and little people shoes that always wind up under the couch. Pressed for storage, the under the bed space is a sea of stockpile, organized of course, but still a sea. Our furniture is arranged in such a way that allows the exersaucer to fit in the living room and the baby swing to fit in the office, where … Continue reading