Why You Should Take a Dog with You When You Die

Recently Wayne was goofing around with our DVR again and decided to put it to use recording old Twilight Zone shows. Before he leaves for work most mornings, we sit in front of the TV and eat breakfast together. Sometimes we watch the news, but since that’s been too depressing lately we’ve been relying on whatever DVR recordings are in the queue for our morning entertainment. That’s how we came to find ourselves watching one of the Twilight Zone reruns Monday morning. No Dogs Allowed in Heaven It was called “The Hunt.” It’s about an old man and his dog … Continue reading

What About Doing Good?

It seems everyone these days wants to write a children’s book. One of the latest is from Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan’s book ‘Forever Young’ is all about doing good. It seems to me, there is a misconception that the Christian, life is all about doing good. So often when we ask young children we get this answer to what a Christian is. And it’s not just children that have the wrong is idea that being a Christian is about doing good. In reality it’s not! Being a Christian is about trusting in the good that has already been done for … Continue reading

Visiting Teaching Message: “All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God”

Our Visiting Teaching Message for the month of July is entitled, “All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God.” We are reminded that in the Book of Moses, we were taught that God created all men in His image, and that He created them to be male and female. President Gordon B. Hinckley taught that our bodies are sacred, and they are wonderful creations, God’s masterpiece. No camera can compete with the eye, and no pump has ever been designed that could replace a heart. Every part of our body is a testament to God’s genius. From President … Continue reading

Who Will Be In Heaven?

There are many who feel Christians who proclaim their beliefs of what the Bible says in regard certain sin come off as judgmental. It is true many Christians are like this. I personally don’t ever want to come across as anything extra special as a Christian because apart from Christ, I am hell bound. None of us should speak out on such things without humility remembering not one of us is without sin and each one of us need Jesus. I’ve compiled a list of many of the sins mentioned in the Bible that prevent the entrance of a person … Continue reading

For Those Who Never Knew

I had often wondered what happens to those who never hear the gospel of Christ. There are countries out there where the people as a culture are involved in very dark things. So if the Lord comes, where will these people go? They haven’t had an opportunity to hear about Jesus so it would seem unfair that they would just perish. As I started a little study on this I became somewhat relieved. I don’t have all the answers but will continue to learn. In John 9:41, Jesus said to them, “…If you were blind, you would have no sin; … Continue reading

Do Our Pets Go to Heaven?

Many of us who have lost a pet when we were younger were told they went to heaven to be with God—and some still believe this. Later, some of us were told that heaven was made for people and not for animals so we won’t be seeing them. I have not found any clear answers in the Bible to say which theory is true. Some people take literal references from the Bible such as “The lion will lay by the lamb” which is not actually what the Bible even says in Isaiah 11:6, rather it says, “The wolf shall also … Continue reading