Past and Future Collide

I’ve written before about not remembering my childhood with any sort of accuracy. I’ve forgotten major vacations completely only to be reminded by a photograph that I actually did see Mount Rushmore in person during a vacation over my birthday. While this sort of memory loss is tragic and embarrassing I’ve come up with an at hand rationale for my inability to remember: I had to make room for Grad School. All joking aside, photographs have reminded me of some of the most interesting/wonderful/joyous forgotten moments of my life. Oftentimes those pictures are my primary link to things I’ve forgotten. … Continue reading

The Snowman Mug

Our son has a fascination with food now. If he hears chewing or crunching or sipping or swallowing his eyes immediately find our mouths and he stares wide eyed at this new phenomenon. He has, of course, seen us eat before. He has become more aware of his surroundings now though. A while ago my wife caught him staring at an avocado she was eating and, after he truly expressed interest in it, she went to mash some of the substance up for him to try on a spoon. He put it in his mouth, got a yucky face, and … Continue reading

Heirloom Holiday Gifts

This holiday season is presenting some real opportunities, despite the less optimistic appearance of the gift giving season in some regards. The opportunities for getting back to basics, giving simple toys as gifts, is one of those opportunities. Handmade gifts that may well become heirloom pieces is another. Create beautiful elements to go with existing toys. A patchwork quilt or handmade doll furniture are items that can be passed from generation to generation. Baby doll clothes or hand stitched outfits for Barbie may well inspire you to explore your inner fashion designer, while at the same time giving your little … Continue reading

The Living Room: A Contradiction In Terms

I once had a neighbor whose living room was a study in cellophane; a parody of luxury as nothing was ever enjoyed, walked upon or even touched. I was a child at the time and while visiting her children, I, as well everyone else, knew never to even touch the door to the living room much less enter. I often wondered if there was treasure buried there or something like that. She once told me that the slipcovers on the Victorian sofa would only come off for a visit from either the Pope or the President of the United States … Continue reading

Home Care: Helpful Household Hints

Make home repairs and maintenance simpler with these tips: Do it Yourself Project Hints If you have to take something apart and you end up with a pile of small parts and lots of hardware, you can use muffin tins to separate and store the pieces until you are ready to put the item back together. If there are many different sizes of screws, nuts, and bolts, stick a piece of masking tape above each muffin cup and number each one so you know the proper order for replacing each size. If you don’t have a ruler handy but need … Continue reading