Helicopter Parenting is not Helpful

It is natural for parents to want the very best for their children. They make sure their kids have brushed their teeth, feed them healthy foods, and check to make sure that their homework is done. All of this is done because of love. That being said, there is a point where things become too much. It turns out that helicopter parenting can actually harm a child’s future prospects. What is a “helicopter parent”? Parents Magazine says that the term originated in 1969 in a book called Parents & Teenagers written by Dr. Haim Ginott. Some of the teens he … Continue reading

Have You Heard the Term “Helicopter Parents?”

I was reading an article that referred to the role that “helicopter parents” are now playing once their “children” enter the workforce. I have to admit that I hadn’t heard the term before and I was absolutely horrified that parents of nearly-adult and adult children were actually doing these things! My own parents didn’t even help me fill out college applications or go with me to find my first apartment at the tender age of 18. While I’ve gotten used to how involved parents are now expected to be with their children while they are growing up—I guess I hadn’t … Continue reading