Don’t Be Afraid to Impose

One of the hard lessons I have had to learn as a single parent is NOT to try to do everything all by myself. One of the big things that held me back in the early years was that I didn’t want to impose or put “my stuff” onto other people. I assumed that since I had had these children by choice and I should be “in charge” of living my life and running my family, that I had no right to ask anyone for anything. I just didn’t want people to think that I could not handle my situation … Continue reading

There’s No Such Thing As Doing It All Alone

It is absolutely normal to feel isolated and “all alone” when it comes to our roles as single parents. After all, we don’t have a partner or spouse in the home to help us feel supported or as if we are part of a team. And, for those of us who do not have family near by or a “village” of eager and ready supporters, we may have a tendency to really feel like we are all alone as we work at being a good parent and provider, and raising our child or children. But, that isolationist thinking can actually … Continue reading

Why Memorize?

Yesterday, I suggested that you work on memorizing (or rememorizing) the scripture mastery verses. You may have asked, why? What is the purpose of memorizing scriptures? I would recommend everyone, from the youth down to retired folks, take the time to memorize some scripture. These verses can come in very handy. We know that the Lord speaks to us through scriptures. A non-LDS, Christian friend I know calls the Bible “God’s love letter to us.” What a wonderful way to think of scriptures! We know, too, that the Book of Mormon was written by prophets of old especially for our … Continue reading

Letting People Help

If you are anything like me, you may be getting used to going it alone when it comes to your home business. While some of us are working on building a “family” business and have spouses, children, etc. who are participating in our home-based business, others of us are pretty much running our businesses all on our own. We might actually be pretty isolated and very much a one-person-show. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t and can’t accept some help from others here and there, however… There might be people in your world who would love to help you with … Continue reading

How About an Intern?

So, maybe your home business is growing—but it is not enough to justify the expense of taking on an additional paid employee. You could really use the help and can’t seem to stretch yourself far enough to cover all the basics, but you just can’t afford it. Have you considered getting an intern? Think that internships are just for big corporations? Well, you might be surprised… There are plenty of students who are more interested in entrepreneurialism and small business than they are in high powered, corporate operations. Some students go to school to learn about business or some other … Continue reading

Escaping the Trap of the Narcissistic Mother

In Dealing with a Narcissistic Mother, we looked at how 39-year-old Elinor was still caught up in a desperate game of trying to win the love and approval of her mother, who suffered from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. When Elinor came in for therapy she was sad, slightly depressed and full of rage for a mother who just could not give her the love and approval that Elinor wanted. Although Elinor had a loving husband, and two wonderful children, she was not happy. This is not unusual when basic childhood needs such as love and approval have not been delivered to … Continue reading

The Opening Hour of Your Garage Sale

The opening hours of your garage sale, are the most important, and often the busiest of the whole day. How many hours, depends solely on the weather, your area, and the day of the week you choose. How can you make the most out of that very first hour of your garage sale? First, be sure to plan ahead. If you are holding the sale in your garage, have everything set up the night before, so when opening time comes, you only have to pop the garage door up and get started. If you plan to host the garage sale … Continue reading

Getting Help With Your Garage Sale

A garage sale is a lot of hard work. With everything there is to do, like before the sale preparations, day of the sale chaos, and then cleaning up afterwards, it sure would be great to have a little help. But what do you do when you aren’t sure who to ask for help, how to ask for help, or even what you might need help with? Do not be afraid to ask, and do not be afraid to delegate certain responsibilities to your helpers, and assign them specific duties. You might even just wish to have a friend with … Continue reading

The Lighthouse

I was browsing eBay today and came across some certified prints from one of my favorite artists, Thomas Kinkade. One in particular of a lighthouse really inspired me to write. Well, actually, what it did was remind me of a song sung by the Christian band Audio Adrenaline called “Lighthouse” (lyrics provided at the bottom of this article). I began to think of my life and what it was like when I was drifting aimlessly while my eyes were shut. I can recall the spiritual battle for my soul; one side encouraging me to open my eyes and fix them … Continue reading