Gospel Doctrine: Bringing Friends to Christ

We have already studied much of the second chapter of Mark reviewed as part of lesson 7. However, as I read, I was touched by the role of the friends of the palsied man. Though they are rarely discussed, they seem like four men worthy of emulation. When Christ returned to Capernum, a multitude of people gathered in his home to hear Him preach and minister. Among those wishing to be included were four men bearing a palsied fifth on a litter. When they could not get through because of the crowd, they climbed on the roof and lowered their … Continue reading

Importance of Support Networks to Single Parents

One of the most important pieces in life in general, whether it’s for single parenting, homeschooling, or getting a job you want, etc., is having and using a support network. So, what is a support network? It is a group of people who can and will assist you in the adventure called life. In the case of homeschooling it’s a network of people who will help you in all aspects of homeschooling, in the case of single parenting, it’s people who will help you with all aspects of being a single parent. You could even have a different support network … Continue reading

What is Safe and How Do Parents Know When A Child is Unsafe?

Children can do the strangest things sometimes, and parents don’t always know what motivates some children to do the things they do. I don’t think there are many parents who can say their child has always been perfectly well behaved, followed all the rules or doesn’t have some kind of “streak” in them. Most parents of the average 2-year-old have experienced the “biting” stage or issue at least once. Either someone else’s child bits our child or our child has bitten another child. Either way it is pretty common for 2-year olds to bite or be bitten by someone. When … Continue reading

Homework Help: Fact Monster

Homework season is just around the corner. I can remember when research for homework consisted of sitting in the school library for hours looking for an answer to a particular question in books, immediately followed by getting your parents to drive you to the city library so you could continue your search through their books as well. Recognized as the Best Kids Site in July 2001 by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, Fact Monster is designed to help kids research their homework and look up information on a variety of different topics. The site is divided up … Continue reading

Help Keep Others Safe in Hot Weather

It looks like Chicago is experiencing another heat wave. I know it’s very hot in other places, but being from Chicago, I remember the nightmare of the last heat wave. However, I have deep concerns for people everywhere who may not be able to properly care for themselves. Please, take the time to check on the elderly, the sick, and the less fortunate in their homes. It is so sad to see people die when it is completely preventable. I saw an older woman on the news last night, sitting in her hot apartment with the windows closed, no fans … Continue reading

Mommy’s Little Helper=Mommy’s Big Helper

My 2-year-old daughter loves to “help” around the house. She just recently learned how to accurately pour “tea” (it’s water) into a cup and loves the fact that she can now contribute to our meal preparation. When mealtime is over she’s right back in the kitchen offering to “help” with the clean up. Her official job is dishwasher (believe me, our Kenmore is not complaining). I fill a large Rubbermaid tub with soapy water and put her plastic Elmo dishes in it. She stands on a chair next to the sink and washes while I clean the rest of the … Continue reading

Bedwetting Alarms: Night Three

Night One Night Two Last night was night three of our on-going experiment with a bedwetting alarm. Our six-year-old guinea pig was getting a pretty big head about his two day run without accidents! I had a feeling, though, that the run was about to end and it sure did. So, last night we woke him up at 11:30 pm, later than usual. He had not yet wet – great sign! So we escorted him to the potty and back to bed. We had hopes that, since he slept through without wetting from midnight on the previous night, he might … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways To Get Your Baby To Sleep

Sleep is one of the elusive things that just drives parents nuts when their children are little. But babies only make us lose our sleep for a little while. Meanwhile, here are my top ten tips for making it easier on everyone! 1. Turn off all the lights. It might even take covering up the digital clock display or the LED light on the television. 2. Don’t be afraid to let your baby fall asleep in your arms but try to swaddle the baby or keep a blanket or baby carrier between your skin and the baby’s skin to increase … Continue reading