Liken the Scriptures – Ammon and Lamoni

In this installment of the Liken the Scriptures Gold Series, we find Spencer struggling through the Book of Mormon, trying to understand it but not making much headway. His older brother McKay brings home a CD with music his mother objects to, but McKay doesn’t see why it’s so bad. He goes upstairs to find Spencer waiting for him with questions about the story of Ammon, and he takes the time to explain it to his little brother, who of course uses his imagination to bring it all to life. Ammon is on a mission in the land of the … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures: Nephi and Laban

The first movie in the Liken the Scriptures Gold Series, and in fact the first movie they made, tells us about Spencer, a little boy who’s having a really hard time sitting still in church. Instead of listening to the Sharing Time presentation about Nephi and his family, Spencer would rather play with his toy car. His Primary teacher takes him out into the hall and challenges him to use his imagination to make the story come to life in his mind, and Spencer takes her up on it. Before he knows it, he’s seeing the story in living color, … Continue reading

Liken the Scriptures

“Liken the Scriptures” is a company that is taking the family entertainment industry by storm. The first time I ever saw a movie produced by Liken, I admit I wasn’t quite sure what to think. Characters from the scriptures doing the Charleston? A little too weird for my tastes. But after I watched the whole movie, my opinion was changed. The “Liken the Scriptures” movies are created to help children understand the scriptures in a way they never did before, in the hopes that those children will then turn to the scriptures for themselves and read what’s found there for … Continue reading