Herbs that Boost Fertility

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries for a variety of health conditions. It seems there is an herbal remedy for nearly every condition. This ancient medicine is gaining in popularity as more people discover the benefits of herbal and homeopathic remedies. There are some herbs that are believed to be beneficial for fertility. These shouldn’t all be taken at once. Choose those that are most beneficial for you. Some of these herbs should only be taken during the first half of the cycle. These should be stopped after ovulation. Others can be taken throughout the cycle. Herbs that Boost … Continue reading

What the Heck is Hoodia?

Everywhere I go lately, I run into some ad about Hoodia. It’s on television. It’s in my email. It’s in banner ads and it’s even showing up in my snail mailbox. What is hoodia? What does it have to do with weight loss? Can it really work? After all, isn’t it just another pill gimmick? How Now Hoodia Hoodia is actually a cactus. It’s found in the African Kalahari desert. The cactus itself is pretty ugly (yes there are pretty cacti out there). It takes years to mature, although it does thrive in the extreme heat of the desert. The … Continue reading