Sunday Travel Funnies— “Don’t Worry, It’s ONLY A Safety Problem.”

How would you like to hear that upon boarding your flight and seeing nearly half the seats on your plane roped off? It’s no joke. According to news sources, the pilot of a Spanish air carrier told “nervous passengers” on his flight not to worry when they asked why all but three of the 32 rows on one side of the plane were taped off. A Spanish newspaper reports that the captain addressed the situation on the plane’s intercom system by reportedly saying: “We will not be able to use that part of the plane because we have a safety … Continue reading

Drowsy Drivers

Tomorrow we spring ahead for the start of daylight savings time. This, of course, means that it will still be light out well after many of us have eaten dinner. For some of us it also means it will still be light out as our spouses drive home from work. But, did you know that the start of daylight savings time also means that our roads and highways become more dangerous? According to the National Road Safety Foundation, a non-profit group that provides free driver safety programs for schools and other organizations, the time change throws off our internal clock, … Continue reading

A Unique Place To Vent About Rude Drivers

How many times have you been cut off by some inconsiderate driver on the freeway? What’s your reaction when you do have some wacko gun it into your lane without signaling, forcing you to break suddenly or swerve on to the shoulder to avoid a collision? If your reaction to the aforementioned incident is not fit to print on this website—take heart–now you can avoid doing something stupid on the road in retaliation and still get a little bit even. Two Washington, D.C.-area men have created a website that allows motorists to post the license plate numbers of bad drivers. … Continue reading