Switching to a Home Based Business

More and more individuals are leaving their corporate jobs to start a home based business. This trend is further magnified by the vastness of the Internet and its ability to allow virtual offices to exist anywhere. Many parents make this switch to be home with their kids. Older adults use it as a transition into retirement. Even some new college graduates with their strong technological skills are finding a home based business as great way to transition into the workforce. Whatever your reasons, there are some factors to consider to making this switch a successful one. 1. Do the research! … Continue reading

Themes in Career Changes

Often when someone is looking for job information online, it is because he or she is looking for a new job. Maybe they are unemployed, but often they are simply looking for something different or better. Are you trying to determine if it is time to make the leap to a new career? Here are some prime themes to consider before you decide. 1. Is it possible? In almost every instance, finding a new career is possible. The real question is often more whether it is workable for you. Will the effort and work involved in a new career be … Continue reading

Hiring Extra Help for Trade Shows or a Seasonal Rush

Most of us here who operate our own home-based businesses do so as sole proprietors. We are, as the old folks say, chief cooks and bottle washers. But as our businesses grow, or at times when we have a seasonal rush or need to staff a trade show, we may need to take on some additional help. This can be a daunting proposition for someone who is used to going it alone. The first big decision (after whether or not to even hire extra help) is whether to do so above or below the table—many people think that they can … Continue reading