Hiring a Handyman

Lately we have been contemplating hiring a handyman to help us with some of the many projects around and outside our home. These are projects that are tough to prioritize into our project list for a couple of reasons. They are either of a non-emergency nature, they aren’t enjoyable to do and therefore get put off, they were started but not finished, or they just aren’t on my husband’s list to do, even though I would like to have them done. If you are thinking of hiring a handyman or handywoman to get some of your projects done, you should … Continue reading

Considering Outsourcing? How to Evaluate if it’s Right For Your Business

“Outsourcing” is one of those trendy words that get bantered about the business world. For a home business owner, outsourcing can be one of the ways we “get rid” of the parts of our business that are too difficult or that keep us from being able to focus on what we do well. But, we still have to evaluate whether it is cost and time-efficient for us to outsource parts of our business. Outsourcing means that you “send out” work and integral pieces of your business. For many businesses this might mean things like payroll, shipping, financial and tax preparations, … Continue reading