Blogging as a Job

In my last blog, I laid out the criteria for what constitutes a hobby blog. Now I wanted to talk about what criteria makes a blog a job. If you blog as a job, you can work for a company (like I work for Families) or you can write your own blog. When you write for a company (and this can be different depending on the circumstances but I’ll get into that later) you are getting paid per blog. The amount of money you make equals the amount of blogs you write. You may make extra depending on how many … Continue reading

What Kind of Blogger are You?

I wanted to talk a bit about the different types of bloggers out there, because it seems like a lot of people get this mixed up. When I tell people that I blog for a living, they think that I’m writing up blogs about what my cat ate for breakfast this morning (which since I don’t have a cat, would make for an incredibly boring blog) or whatever other random thought pops into my head. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that my blogs on here tend to be a little bit random at times, but they do at … Continue reading