The Healing Power of Love

Previously, we discussed how the State of Marriage can Affect the State of Health. There, we focused more on physical ailments and how a close relationship can help advance the healing process after injury, illness, or even surgery. Here, we’ll focus on hearts and minds. While love is not a magic potion, it can sometimes act as a tonic. Knowing that someone else truly loves us can help us get through some of the most trying times. For example, grief won’t go away, but it may be more bearable with someone who truly loves you by your side. A hand … Continue reading

Marriage, Kids, and PDA

If you have kids in school, you likely already know that PDA stands for public displays of affection, and that such action is generally forbidden in schools. I can understand it to a point, and the hands-off approach is probably best during the school day. However, when it comes to us married people, there is nothing wrong with PDA. In fact, public displays of affection are healthy. I am clearly not talking about groping each other in public, but holding hands, putting an arm around your spouse’s shoulder, or a hug are certainly acceptable. I think it is important to … Continue reading