Can Holding Hands with your Husband Reduce Anxiety?

Many women and men enjoy holding hands just as a form of affection, but most of us also realize that it can be a great source of comfort. However, a fairly new study indicates that when a woman holds her husband’s hand when confronted with a fearful or stressful situation, doing so can literally reduce her anxiety. It actually shows up on brain scans! It was a limited study, observing sixteen couples, conducted by Dr. James Coan this past December. Dr. Coan is a neuroscientist with the University of Virginia. His study is titled “Lending a Hand: Social Regulation of … Continue reading

Can the Start of Fall Jump Start Romance?

Do you crave romance? It seems like one of the first things to go once we settle into a marriage routine. So, what are you going to do about it? Men and women alike crave romance from time to time, but too often, women expect men to initiate it. Sometimes we feel like it just isn’t the same if we have to hint around, set the stage, or come right out and ask for romance. It’s time we got over it. Asking for what we want and need does not diminish the true feelings behind his gestures (or hers for … Continue reading