Christmas In Chicago

It’s no secret–I love Chicago. I’ve blogged about its many outstanding attractions in the past, but have never shared the plethora of holiday-themed events the city has to offer to visitors and residents alike. One of my favorites took place just a few hours ago: The Daley Plaza Tree Lighting Ceremony For 93 years spectators have flocked to Chicago’s Daley Plaza (downtown) for the annual Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony. The Plaza is filled with the warm sounds of festive holiday music; Santa Claus makes his rounds; there’s a holiday gift shop set up near the tree, and various food vendors … Continue reading

7 Thanksgiving Math Activities

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! As you are running around mad with preparations. . .maybe you want to squeeze in a little math? Here are ten math activities that will keep your students’ minds sharp. 1. Make Placemats–I admit this doesn’t have to be a math activity. But if you need something for your little ones to do while they’re at the kiddie table, consider making placemats. Print out some worksheets, games, even coloring pages. Laminate them (most teacher supply stores do this.) Voila–instant educational activity at the dinner table to keep little ones occupied. 2. Have your kids figure out how … Continue reading

Holiday Fitness Ideas: Why 10,000 Steps?

With the holidays fast on us, you or someone you love is likely going to be looking into different fitness plans and if you’ve heard a lot about 10,000 steps but always wondered why, let’s talk about the why here. Activity is positive and good. Any activity is better than none. 10,000 steps are the goal because the average sedentary person walks less than 3,000 steps a day at maximum. But it’s not just the steps themselves, it’s the way of thinking, acting and being. By making the commitment to 10,000 steps a day, a person is increasing their level … Continue reading

Useful Websites: Child Fun

At first glance the site Child Fun is one of those sites designed with google primarily in mind. They have a pretty substantial amount of ads on all of their pages, but they have some pretty good content as well. The site is full of literally thousands of different activities you can do with your child and ideas for fun family events and crafts. The activities are divided up by different holidays as well as different themes such as food activities, girl scout activities, and Christian activities. A lot of the information found in their pages are things you could … Continue reading