Christmas Break Boredom Busters

Today is the last day of school for many kids in our area.  Their Christmas break begins this afternoon and I’m sure they couldn’t be happier.  Their parents, on the other hand, may not share the same feeling. A week from now those same kids may be climbing the walls looking for ways to keep busy.  If you fear boredom will get the best of your brood before Santa flies into town, consider putting your kids to work making these simple and inexpensive holiday decorations that you can use to brighten up your home or give as gifts: Pretty Presents:  … Continue reading

Making Edible Garland for Your Christmas Tree

Is your Christmas tree up yet? Judging by the dozens of vehicles I passed this weekend with hearty pines strapped to their luggage racks, I’d guess that most families have their Tannenbaums in place for the countdown to Christmas. Our tree is up and trimmed, though according to our resident decorating expert (see: my 4-year-old daughter), it’s missing one very important item: a popcorn and cranberry garland. Ever since she saw the Little Bear episode where the entire gang created edible tree decorations, she has been begging to add snacks to our tree as well. So, tonight is the night … Continue reading

The Nation’s Most Festive Front Yards

How’s your front yard looking these days? Are the Christmas lights hung and the plastic Santa and his reindeer affixed to your roof? I have to admit our yard is looking a bit bare compared to our neighbor’s. But, then again, it’s hard to compete with homeowners who spend days and goodness knows how much money festooning their lawns with thousands of festive lights, inflatable snowmen, and plastic reindeer. Me, I, like to leave the decorating to others and then climb into the car and gush at the fruits of their labor. Sincerely, I tip my hats to all the … Continue reading

Family Travel—Taking a Trip to View Amazing Holiday Light Displays

There are those who complain about people who festoon their homes with Christmas decorations well before Thanksgiving. Not me. I love seeing holiday lights twinkling on cold, gloomy days when the sun is already setting at 4 in the afternoon. Our neighborhood, nay, the entire downtown area is sparkling with seasonal wattage. (It could be because our local holiday parade takes place tomorrow night.) And we’re not the only ones. Cities from coast to coast have their holiday light displays up and running. From Florida to Denver, Chicago to California, America is wired to host holiday travelers who love viewing … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits: Where to See the Grinch on Ice and the Eco-cup Revolution

Tis the season for snow and ice… sculptures. The holiday season is when many (if not all) major hotels and resorts deck their halls with spectacularly festive creations. One company in particular has a long-standing tradition of displaying the most amazing ice sculptures. This year the three Gaylord hotel and conference centers (in Nashville, near Dallas and in Kissimmee, Florida) are featuring their traditional ice sculpture extravaganzas, and the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville is incorporating a familiar storybook character in its display. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the late Dr. Seuss’ book How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, … Continue reading

Decorating Your Home For Kwanzaa

In my previous blog I discussed the holiday of Kwanzaa. We are now just a week away from the start of the seven-day festival, which focuses on heritage, family and community. Kwanzaa is a cultural holiday, not a religious one and is meant to serve as an inspiration to African-American families and the community. And while the celebration begins on December 26th and ends January 1st, neither the observance nor the decorations should be combined with Christmas, Hanukkah or the New Year. People celebrating Kwanzaa deck their homes in black, red and green. That color scheme is carried throughout the … Continue reading

Creative Christmas Decorating

Do you ever get bored with your holiday decorations? We tend to collect items over the years and we hang on to them, using them over and over. That’s all well and good, but sometimes, they just start to feel tired and boring. We buy new stuff, but we still have all this other stuff around. One good way to use those items you still like but are beginning to tire of is to use them in different ways. A crystal sleigh that normally adorns your bookshelf or mantel filled with shiny ornaments might just make a great candy dish … Continue reading

Turkey Table Topper

Want to make a turkey table topper? You can make a large one to add to a table-scape or centerpiece, or you can make smaller ones to use beside each place setting. *Adult supervision and assistance is required for this project. Let’s get started! Items you will need: Styrofoam balls (one larger and two smaller) Toothpicks Craft sticks (Popsicle stick size) String or yarn Glue Feathers Felt Red balloons Googly eyes *The items listed above will make two turkeys. What you need to do: Start by having a grown up cut the large Styrofoam ball in half. Cover it with … Continue reading

More Thanksgiving Table Decorations

Do you have a kids’ table during the holidays? I asked this question in Home, in Holidays: The Kids’ Table. Some families do, some don’t. For kids who do like having their own special table, these ideas will help them make decorate it in a fun and festive way. If your children prefer the grown up table, they still might want to make these items to help decorate it or to make special place settings for themselves and other children. Holiday Napkins You can find all kinds of great themed paper napkins at any store. These are great for adding … Continue reading

Simple Holiday Displays

As you decorate your home for the holidays, it is good to create some balance. While everything certainly doesn’t have to match precisely or be perfectly symmetrical, balance will help keep the addition of extra elements from becoming too chaotic. You want to create interest, warmth, and charm, but you don’t want things to look overdone. These tips will help you put together just the right holiday displays or arrangements for any time of year. Add Texture If you line up candles along your mantel, that’s fine, but it isn’t going to make a huge impact. If you like clean … Continue reading