Fitness Food for Thought

“Don’t Let the Cold Weather Derail Your Fitness Routine,” “Making Workouts a Priority During the Holiday Season,” “Don’t Let the Holidays Ruin Your Fitness Routine”—-BAH HUMBUG! I know, I know. I was the one who wrote the aforementioned blogs, but honestly, I’m too tired to brush my hair let alone hit the gym for a workout. And I know I’m not alone. So, for all of you regular gym goers who are desperately looking for someone to support your decision to take a break from exercising today, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, I actually found a fitness … Continue reading

Turn Off Your Cravings

Want a few ways to dial back your cravings as we head into the holiday season of Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas shopping, present wrapping and meals not to mention all the parties and more interspersed in between? Here are a few things to keep in mind: 30 minutes of weight lifting will only burn off: 5 Oreos worth of calories 6 ounce baked potato with 3 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of chives 1 small French fries from McDonald’s 3 ounces of broiled salmon and 3 ounces of mashed sweet potatoes 1 McDonald’s Hamburger 1 Nestle … Continue reading