Getting Away from it All This Holiday Season?

About a year ago, my husband and I talked about going to Disney World for Christmas and while it’s not a financial option this year, we are saving up for the possibility of going next year. Spending the holidays away from family and friends may not seem like the holidays unless you are so stressed by the holiday season and time spent with family that it’s the best way for you and your spouse and your children to savor time with each other. Family Gatherings Can Breed Tension That gathering the extended family together can breed an atmosphere of tension … Continue reading

Holidays at the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT

It is that time of year. It’s the time of year when Walt Disney World transforms into a magical holiday experience. There are special events at all the theme parks at the Walt Disney World Resort, and in Downtown Disney. At the Magic Kingdom theme park, there’s a total holiday extravaganza going on. There’s a new parade, called Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Parade, and of course the Very Merry Christmas Party that Heather wrote a recent blog about about. Also, there’s a fireworks spectacular every night. There are beautiful holiday decorations all over the park, and this year, “Holiday Wishes: … Continue reading