Can my diet take a holiday?

This time of year many of us want kick the diet to curb and go back to dieting once the festivities pass.  Grandma’s rum cake only comes  but once a year and we don’t want to miss out. Who can blame us?  Who out there can resist glasses of egg nog, truffles, cheesecake, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and holiday treats that lure us in with a siren call? The reality is your body does not know or care it is a holiday and it will be a whole year before you will see Great Aunt Millie and her cheesy potatoes.  Your … Continue reading

6 Ways Not to Gain Weight this Holiday Season

Bring a dish.  To ensure there are healthy options at the Christmas dinner table you will want to bring a dish.  Bring a salad since you can fill up on that before indulging or a low fat dessert to keep you in check after the dinner.  Perhaps you can even do both! Drink plenty of water.  Do not waste your calories on sugary drinks. I would rather have a piece of pie than drink away my calories.  Drink water with lemon or lime and devote your calories and sugar intake to the pumpkin pie. Eat a snack before you leave. … Continue reading

Confessions of a Foodie Mom: ‘Tis the Season

No doubt about it, December is Foodie Season! This is the season where there are so many good foods around to try, including some that are often only served this time of year. For a Foodie who loves trying new foods and is also emotionally attached to serving ALL of the old ones, it’s going to be a challenging month for weight loss. It doesn’t help that the season is so busy. I’m juggling gift lists, ingredient lists, cookie exchange servings, contributions to various potlucks, and more. The last thing I want to do is list what I’m eating, or … Continue reading