Balancing the Holidays: Simplify, Blend and Schedule

I don’t know about you, but December tends to be the busiest month of the year.  There is so much to do, so many preparations to make, gifts to buy and a house to clean. Yet this is also the time of year for being with family.  So how can you balance it all?  I think it comes down to three things:  simplifying, blending and scheduling. Let me explain.  First, simplify.  What are some things you can skip doing?  Are there areas of the home that really don’t need to be cleaned? Could you cut down on the amount of … Continue reading

Kitchen Organizing for the Holidays

The fall is a great time to start thinking about the holidays, which are really just around the corner. I promise you, they will be here before you know it. So why not take some time this month to start prepping your kitchen? By cleaning and organizing it now, you will have a head start and prevent future stress. It’s actually a great time to organize your cabinets. Focus on one or two each weekend. But while you are doing that, you should also start keeping an inventory of what you have and what you need. For instance, if you … Continue reading

Dealing with In-Laws

Ah, the mother-in-law joke. Where would we be without it? Comedians and sit coms have become very popular for poking fun at your mother in-law, and though I’ll bet she’s not as bad as the jokes make out, there is some truth to the jokes, and that is why sometimes it’s so hard to get along with them. Traditionally, your husband has to impress your father in the beginning, but you have to impress his mom. Not only are you marrying each other, you are marrying into an entire family. This article will discuss in-laws regarding the mother in-law, and … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Company

Do you drive yourself to exhaustion when you clean before having company? Do you run yourself ragged trying to make everything perfect? I have done this to myself (and my family) in the past, and while I want my home to look good and feel comfortable for guests, I’ve finally realized that things just aren’t going to be perfect. I’m much more relaxed now and I can enjoy time with my guests, even if there are a few toys out of place or one of my serving pieces gets broke and I have to use one that doesn’t match. Guess … Continue reading