Jobs in America

I hope y’all will indulge me today. I have been thinking a lot lately about America and the way our economy is set up (capitalism, of course) and I wanted to share those thoughts with my readers. In case you missed it, my husband is losing his job at the end of month, and apparently I just love to worry about whether or not he’s going to find a new one. 😉 So last night, as I watched the fireworks exploding overhead in amazing brilliance, my mind started to wander, and I started to think about how in America, you … Continue reading

My Mobile Mini-Van Office

I started my home businesses shortly after my daughter was born. Sometimes I miss the days when I could simply roll my child in her bassinet room to room while I worked. On Saturdays, I rolled her into our storage room so I could prepare Ebay orders. During the rest of the week, she would swing quietly next to me and sleep while I made calls and placed orders on the computer. When she was a few months old, I even brought her (and her portable swing) to a craft fair. Unfortunately, she got more attention than the products did. … Continue reading

Find Your Passion, or Fake it Until You Make It?

“Just find your passion”. If you’ve spent any time looking for home business opportunities, you’ve probably heard this piece of advice more than a few times. While we would all love to be making a great income doing something we are absolutely passionate about, it isn’t always that simple. When I started my work-at-home journey, I was convinced that I would make a tremendous amount of money selling crafts and painting children’s furniture. After all, I enjoyed it, I was passionate about it, and (if you can stand a bit of bragging) I was pretty darn good at it. Ultimately, … Continue reading

How to Get Your Husband on Board with Your Home-Based Dreams

My grandmother was a spit-fire. I’ll never forget her favorite saying. “When you want to do something make sure you ask your husband and if he says ‘no’, do it anyway”. While I appreciate my grandmother’s spunk, unfortunately the “do it anyway” approach simply doesn’t work with my type-A husband. I can still remember his response when I told him about my latest business venture. “What are you getting yourself into now, Traci”? Okay, so it wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for but I really didn’t blame him. I had tested out a few home-businesses before and had earned … Continue reading